The Adler Planetarium - La Grange Crane Service



The Adler Planetarium

Rent crane


The Adler Planetarium


PlaneWave Technology

In Chicago Construction, bigger means better!

Every now and then; however, we’re reminded of the simple joys that comes from a small crane that delivers a BIG impact.

This Winter, La Grange Crane dispatched 30 Ton Boom Truck and Operator Tim Johandes to the Adler Planetarium.  His assignment; install a new telescope capable of viewing stars and planets trillions of miles away.

The Adler Planetarium has been a staple of Chicago’s Museum Campus since 1930, welcoming 500 million guests per year. Outside the Adler, on the edge of Chicago’s lakefront trail, you will find The Doane Observatory. The Doane Observatory offers guests a rare glimpse toward the outside galaxy not found anywhere else in the world. In order to improve guest accessibility and overall technology, a renovation of the Doane Observatory began in 2013.

Following the flawless removal of the existing telescope from 1987, The Adler Planetarium called on La Grange Crane to return for the crown-jewel of the renovation project, the installation of a new state-of-the-art PlaneWave telescope.

La Grange Crane Project Manager, and 3D Lift Plan Champion, Riley Pettrone impressed Adler scientists and engineers with a comprehensive lift plan that was able to effectively communicate the obstacles, necessities, and procedures related to crane rental.

Though the crane capacity was low, the stakes were high! The Adler Planetarium Telescope Installation is a prime example of the safety procedures La Grange Crane personnel take, regardless of crane size. The objective of superior service and safety should not be exclusive to 550 Ton Cranes or critical lifts.  At La Grange Crane, safety is universal.

With the new telescope successfully installed, the Adler Planetarium’s mission to connect people to the universe and each other under the sky we all share, lives on.

Bigger is better.

Sometimes, but not today.

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